Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tebow Time! Sharing his faith!

Tim Tebow’s Vocation
Tim Tebow, the outspoken young quarterback of the Denver Broncos, is the talk of the nation: He has won six out of his last seven games, several in spectacular fashion. Yet, because of his overt faith, many in the media seem to relish his every mistake with more than a tinge of anti-Christian malice. Other players criticize and scoff at him: Two Detroit Lions players recently knelt in mockery of him during a game, one after sacking Tebow for a loss and the other after scoring a touchdown. Comments and behavior like this have outraged men and women of faith across the nation. To many Christians, Tebow is a public hero who strives against intolerance of their beliefs.

I would defend Tebow in the face of secularist attacks and criticisms, but I still have lingering questions about the appropriateness of his actions. Take this example: Only moments after his dramatic come-from-behind win against the New York Jets in November, Tebow sat down with NFL commentators. The interviewer asked, “what comes over you with five minutes to go?” Tebow responded, “Well, first and foremost, I gotta thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and thank my team mates . . . ” Should Tebow tone this kind of answer down?

Perhaps Tebow should not talk and act as if every win and success is almost miraculous, as if God’s intervention is the primary cause of it. Such talk might obscure the fullness of the truth by hiding other contributing factors. God is the cause of all things and our natural order. He intervenes in his natural order as he sees fit; we call these “super” natural interventions miracles. Throwing a football is probably not, then, supernatural or miraculous at all, and neither is winning a football game. If we were to thank God exclusively after either, we may be obscuring the fact that God enabled his creation—the natural rather than supernatural order—to accomplish his will for itself. He gave Tebow his teammates, his parents, the cheering fans, his coach, etc., so that he could succeed. Perhaps it would be more appropriate for Tebow to recognize and thank these people and causes first.

But, ultimately, I think this point is mostly a quibble. Tebow does always thank his teammates and his coach publicly, and I don’t think he is even implicitly claiming that his football wins are caused by supernatural intervention. He is merely giving praise where he thinks praise is due. Instead, I think many Christians—myself included—feel uneasy about Tebow’s professions of faith in public because we suspect that in the same situation, we would keep our faith private. Why, we ask, should Tebow be so vocal?

Such questions fail to recognize the nature of personal vocations and of belief in a God who has a unique plan for each of us. We each have a tailor-made vocation, not an ill-fitting suit, handed out to all Christians. We may be a priest, preacher, or a quiet family man, but if we seek truth and follow the will of God for our lives, we should feel neither shame nor judgment when we note a difference between our calling and that of another. Christian lives should be notable for their pluralism.

So, although Tebow’s prime time confessional style may not be “normal” for most Christians, I am convinced that it is authentic for him. He seems to be genuinely in love with Christ. He compares his professions of faith in Jesus to a husband’s expression of love for his wife every day, in public or in private. And like a good spouse, he works as hard as he can in everything out of love.

As early as high school, Tebow was known for playing every minute as if it were the last in the game, striving for extra yardage on every play. He still trains harder than anyone else. In his recent documentary, “Everything in Between,” he asks every day, “Was I the hardest worker in the country?” Despite all this hard work, he is far from dominant in his sport. He shows his flaws on every missed throw and every crushing hit he takes but through it all finds a way, some way, to win fair and square.

On top of his busy football career, Tebow is out in the world preaching at prisons, doing mission work with his family, starting a hospital in the Philippines, and trying hard to lead a virtuous life. In a recent interview, Broncos receiver Eddie Royal summed him up well: “[Tebow] really is genuine and the emotion and the passion that you see him out there playing with, he has the same passion off the field with those type of things, the charity things and the missionary things. He just lives that way. Like I said, there’s nothing fake about Tim Tebow.”

All people of faith can find inspiration in his example. We can wholly support the gallant and authentic vocation that Tebow has discerned for himself even if it is very different from our own. He will be the hardest worker in the NFL for the glory of God. He will be a prayerful man, on and off the field. And he will use every camera that turns his way to loudly proclaim his trust in the God of the Bible, no matter the criticism he faces.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What about Jesus during Christmas? Stop and give thanks for God's only Son!

"About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was the governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David's hometown, for the census. As a decendant of David he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancee, who was pregnant.
While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped Him in a blanket and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the hostel.
There were shepherds camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."
At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises: "Glory to God in the heavenly heights; Peace to all men and women on earth who please Him."
As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the shepherds talked it over. "Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us." They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the shepherds were impressed.
Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself. The shepherds returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they'd been told!"  (Luke 2:1-20).
christmas storyIt was a simple scene that first Christmas – a rough room, a young couple and nothing but a feeding trough to put the child in. It was probably quite cold and with family far away there was little help. Not exactly the Hallmark moment we like to show in Christmas pageants. And yet this rustic scene marked the greatest event in the history of mankind.
God's Son became human and came to earth to save us. God had promised to send a Messiah, one who would save His people. He could have easily burst on the scene as a full grown man, a seven foot warrior with fiery eyes and arms of steel. This was what many people were looking for, but it wasn't how God did it. He arrived in the arms of a young girl. He was, as another of our authors put it, "a very small package, wrapped in rags, given from the heart of God. The perfect gift."
God gave His only Son to die in our place so that we, in all our brokenness, could know forgiveness. He came so that we could know what love feels like, real love – love that never leaves, love that never disappoints, love that is never betrayed. He sent His Son into a corrupted world to bring us hope.
How are you doing this Christmas?Are you having a hard time finding hope in the world? Are you having a hard time finding peace? It doesn't have to be that way. You can have peace and find hope and know forgiveness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Here's a suggested prayer:
Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to You and ask You to come in as my Saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Bring peace to my world this Christmas. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.
If this prayer expresses the desire of your heart, pray it right now and Christ will come into your life as He promised. If you invited Jesus Christ into your life, thank God often that He is in your life, that He will never leave you and that you have eternal life.

YES, I prayed this prayer
Your Name:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Drummer Boy "What will you bring Christ our Lord & Savior this Christmas

Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum
A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
When we come.

Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum,
On my drum?

Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum
The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum
I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
Me and my drum. 

Their are so many meaningful hymns and Christmas songs that are apart of the season of Christmas, but I must tell you "The Little Drummer Boy" is my favorite.  You may ask yourself why not "Silent Night" or O Holy Night.  Well, I am so glad you ask me. This song has special meaning to me because it simply reminds me that  Jesus was born as a gift for the world to receive.  I also think of the lowly animal feed box where he was born. I also reflect and think that their was no room for Emmanuel Christ our Lord. Scripture tells us he came to the world to seek and save the lost yet the world received him not. But this song is not just about Jesus, it's very personal to me because I put myself in the place of the drummer boy. I am not a wealthy man of earthly things but I am rich in spirit.  I certainly cannot bring expensive gifts.  But does Jesus want gifts our does he want my heart?  Well, that question to me is easy...Jesus came so that we live and have life in abundance and in all it's fullness.  That baby and King wants my heart. Jesus is the gift I live and have my being because he lives I can face tomorrow.  I am poor and have no gifts to bring but I gave God my heart and I love God because he first loved me.  I will again focus myself on giving God my all and living for Him and sharing his love with the world.  What gift will you bring Jesus?  Do you search for him tonight? If you are hurting Jesus is the "Healer" of the broken in spirit.  Do you feel like you are in the dark during this season...know Jesus loves you and He is the Light of the World.  Please receive the gift of Jesus and may God richly bless each of you this Christmas season!  Give him your heart.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Well, the Thanksgiving holiday is officially over, the shopping madness of "Black Friday" has come and gone.  My family who flew in or drove in from all over have packed up and gone home and everyone is back to work. Taking the time to give thanks is something today I haven't completely perfected, but I think as I grow older I have become a little smarter and over the past several years taken the time to step back, stop and be thankful for all the blessings of God recognizing his plan and purpose in and for my life. I have struggled many times in my life and in this journey of faith.  Yes, I have been through the depth of the darkest valley although the darkness hasn't overcome me.....because I have placed my faith and hope in the "long expected Savior."  Through the stress, struggle and hardship I have risen above my circumstances because I know that no matter how cold and dark the night  joy comes in the morning and that joy is the gift of my Lord and comforter Jesus Christ. So are you hurting? Do you not have the answer to why all these bad things are happening?  Christ Jesus is the answer.
So why do we celebrate Christmas? Does it seem like we all just get sucked in to the rush of the holiday?  The stores and malls all clean up from Halloween and Thanksgiving, re- stock and decorate for Christmas.  Everyone just seems to be so busy with other things that are not of great importance. I know that children love Santa Claus and await his return to their neighborhood to drop off the presents they can't wait to get into as they sit under the tree. at school the kids have their parties, Christmas plays and sing-a-longs!
Stop and think Santa wasn't born to die for the world like Jesus did.
God gave his only Son to be born in a manager born a "King" Emmanuel "God with us" to free us from our mess and screw ups!
It is not about the warm good feeling we have when we get gifts its about giving to others.
It is about the Creator and his name is Jesus!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I'm  forgiven, because you were forsaken.
I'm accepted, you were condemned.
I'm alive and well and your Spirit lives within me, because you died and rose again.

So listen up for all who read this:
I am forgiven because Jesus took my place...he was forsaken and condemned.
I am forgiven - my sins are forgotten because one precious drop of the blood of Christ Jesus covers all my sin.
I hide myself in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty God.
During times of crisis, hurt and pain...God gives me the strength of the Holy Spirit and I walk in peace through the storm.
I know when I do not have the faith to believe, Jesus still believes in me.
I am a child of God.
No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
Satan has no place or power of me because the Holy Spirit is in me.
I am not to be of this world.  I am a stranger in this world but called to love the unloved and share the light and love of Jesus with the world.
I am not here to make everyone happy I am here to be obedient to God and walk in the victory I have found in him.
I will trust in the things for which I do not see, for they are eternal.
The things we do see will rust and go away.
Heaven is His throne and earth is His foot rest.

Though the Earth Cried out for blood
Satisfied her hunger was
Her billows calmed on raging seas
for the souls on men she craved

Sun and moon from balcony
Turned their head in disbelief
Their precious Love would taste the sting
disfigured and disdained

On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke with keys
Of Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ
Laid death in his grave

So three days in darkness slept
The Morning Sun of righteousness
But rose to shame the throes of death
And over turn his rule

Now daughters and the sons of men
Would pay not their dues again
The debt of blood they owed was rent
When the day rolled a new

On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke holding keys
To Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ
Laid death in his grave

On Friday a thief
On Sunday a King
Laid down in grief
But awoke with keys
Of Hell on that day
The first born of the slain
The Man Jesus Christ
Laid death in his grave

He has cheated
Hell and seated
Us above the fall
In desperate places
He paid our wages
One time once and for all
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bird's Eye View

On this particular October afternoon, as I get out of my truck and lace up my boots I feel the warmth of the evening sun on my face as I look out across a soybean field trying to decide what deer stand to try to get a look at the trophy buck. As I walk down a narrow and bumpy dirt path I feel a slight crisp breeze as I admire the bright and radiant colors of the leaves on the Maple trees. I would hear the rustle and scamper of a couple of squirrels making circles around a pine tree along the edge of the woods.  The warmth of the sun was quickly fading and the wind was blowing a little stronger as I reached my stand.  As I stood at the base of the tree I took my .270  rifle off my back carefully and took a deep breath of cool air.  I had finally arrived to the top of the stand about seventeen feet up about 150 years old pine tree.  What a bird's eyes view of God's creation.  The many colors of the turning of the leaves as they look  to be waving at me and singing look at me.  I look across the field and see a groundhog, sitting upright and getting his fill of soybeans for his afternoon snack.  Yes I love to hunt deer but it is more than hunting for me it is taking the time to listen, slow down and experience God and all He has made for man to enjoy. After I watched several doe pace around the corner of the field I simply watched them as I saw an amazing sunset. I didn't take home a trophy buck but I always bring home with me a attitude of thanks to God for all the blessing of family and friends.  From a deer stand I had pretty great view but as I looked up I felt very small and was just reminded of how big God is and how much he loves me.

God demonstrated his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Take the time this week and spend time with God and rest in his love 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

America's Heros

I thought it would be appropriate to share the best known wartime poems – “In Flanders Fields” by Lt. Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) of the Canadian Army.  You can read the history here.
IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
To those who have served and are serving you have my sincerest thanks.  We own you a debt of gratitude for your service and sacrifice!
Thank you all who have served and to those who are presently serving this country protecting our freedom.  May God bless you all!


"You're not disabled by the abilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have."

You’re not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have.”
Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius (born 22 November 1986) is a South African sprint runner. Known as the “Blade Runner” and “the fastest man on no legs”, Pistorius, who has a double amputation, is the world record holder in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (sport class T44) events and runs with the aid of Cheetah Flex-Foot carbon fibre transtibial artificial limbs by Ossur.
In 2008, he won a landmark case against the IAAF, which had tried to ban him from able-bodied competitions, claiming his artificial legs gave him an unfair advantage. Pistorius hopes to compete at both the Paralympics and Olympics in 2012.
According to Oscar, “I had my legs amputated below the knee as a baby after being born without fibulas in both legs, due to a congenital condition. I was never brought up as a “disabled” person. As a kid, I grew up competing against able-bodied people in rugby and water polo.
At boarding school my mates played pranks on me and liked to hide my legs. When I woke up in the morning the first thing I’d have to do was look for my legs! I liked it though – my situation’s never going to change so the best way to treat it is with humour.
I began competing in Paralympic sport in 2004, although I wish I’d got involved sooner. It taught me so much more about doing your best, while able-bodied sport is just about winning at any cost. I can win now and be disappointed, or I can come fifth and be happy. It’s about the performance.”
His story is one that can truly inspire anyone. Having no legs would be sufficient reason to hinder most people’s athletic careers, but not his.
Please click on the link below to view a clip on the man himself.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some things simply don't make sense!

Why do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Bank on it : Why would you name a bank "Fifth Third Bank?" Do they not know how to count to 5 correctly?

Donald Trump's Hair - Yes he is very rich -  but I don't understand why his hair looks like a mix between a bee hive and like he just got out of bed!

Fast Food: We put man on the moon....but for the life of me don't understand why when I go through Taco place my order at the border....they can't invent a speaker so when I tell them what I want  the individual can't understand me then I have to deal with their nasty fast food attitude.  It's not my fault.. It just doesn't make sense!!!

Driving & Parking :Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?

Dreams :Why was I dreaming of enjoying  a cup of hot chocolate and when I woke up I was resting my head on a marshmellow?

 Sports : Why do professional athletes not play for the love of the game? This isn't the case with all professionals but I often feel some athletes just want the fame, spotlight and the money.  What an awesome oppurtunity for players  to set a positive example to the youth of America!

Education: Let us put prayer back in our schools.  I am a teacher and observing, listening and getting to know students and their situations it often is heart breaking. I am not going to judge anyone on what they believe or to whom they pray. I do understand that prayer changes things and situations for the better!  I am on my knees for the students I work with each day... bring prayer back into our public schools.

Politics: My political stance is "I am an American."  I will never agree with every choice or opinion of President Obama, or any other leader past or present.  Let our differences become our strength and let Americans set aside our difference and turn our hearts back to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself."

Religion / faith:  Understanding and wisdom come not straight from telling others..."I am a Christian or I am Religious.  Understanding, knowledge and wisdom come from the truth and from a relationship with the Creator. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thanksgiving thoughts

Once when my feet were bare, and I had not the means of obtaining shoes I came to the chief of Kufah,  in a state of much dejection, and saw a man  there who had no feet.  I returned thanks to God and acknowledged his mercies, and endured my want for shoes with patience. -Sadi-

Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation(from the collection of Lincoln's papers in the Library of America series, Vol II, pp. 520-521).
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union. It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God; to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord.

- Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1863

I so often with my schedule and things to do get caught up with in preparation and anticipation of spending time with family and friends.  We laugh, share jokes, reflect back on fond memories and of course enjoy the food. After the craziness of the busy Thanksgiving day with family and friends we say our see you later or good-by and we go our different ways and life slows down.  The laughter and excitement  of children playing outside of the meal. The men after the Thanksgiving dinner fight to  find the most comfortable seat to watch football. The women catch up with each other in preparing the meals or washing the dishes after everyone's tummy is full.  These things were happening just several hours ago now I find myself in a still quiet place reflecting back on the day.   During those quiet times I often feel that I do not take the time to give thanks to God for all the blessings and feel that my heart and eyes are not open to showing the love and compassion that Christ Jesus demonstrated on the cross.  I am approaching this year with the changing colors of the leaves and this season with a different perspective.  I will open my heart and give thanks to God and make the time for God.
